Develop the ease and pleasure of movement for daily well-being and better use of oneself.
The Feldenkrais method is aimed at anyone, whatever their age, wishing to change, evolve, improve their ways of doing or being.
Price: €320 for the year (30 sessions per year)
or: quarter 1 (11 sessions): €135 - quarter 2 (1 sessions): €135 - quarter 3 (8 sessions): €95
Saturday workshop: Once a month from October to June from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
The workshop is open to all.
“Inner Ecology” workshop series
This series of workshops offers the opportunity to experience a process of change for oneself, as a metaphor or a starting point for a change in relationship to the planet, to others, to living things in general. A permaculture of oneself, to get moving and move ideas…
No lessons, injunctions or guilt but a study of how we function to promote our self-regulation and adaptation capacities, with movement as the basis of the research.
Possibility to follow the complete series or occasionally participate in a workshop.
Individual sessions
Reduce pain and discomfort, develop efficiency of movement and posture, relax and recharge your batteries...
Why not try ?
Location: by appointment
AT THE CARROUSEL 19 rue Xavier Marmier, 1st Floor
Price: €60/session (€55/session for package of 5 sessions)
Preferential rate for students and the unemployed
Duration of a session: 50 min.
About health rules: to respect government instructions and so that everyone feels safe and comfortable to practice
Loïc Deschamps 06 78 79 76 64
Certified practitioner since 2008.
A new series:
“Get rid of injunctions”
Question preconceived ideas, stereotypes, assignments regarding postures and movements to take ownership of your body and feel freer to move.
A pretext for a lively study of the possibilities of the human body from the perspective of an ecological movement.
An opportunity to readjust joint alignment, muscular dynamics and major movement coordinations.
These workshops are open to everyone, experienced practitioners or curious to discover.
Possibility to follow the complete series or occasionally participate in a workshop.
Saturday November 12
from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
au Carrousel
19 rue Xavier Marmier - Besançon
“You’re twisting your ass!”
Or question the issues of twists.
And also the following weekend
Sunday November 20
10h30 - 13h
Au Carrousel
Ecology of the Body in Movement - INITIATION
A permaculture of oneself through dance movement
Tariff : 20€